How To Clean A Mattress

What’s the secret to getting a good night’s sleep? Giving your mattress a good clean!

A fresh mattress, free of dust and dirt, can help promote better sleep by removing any allergens that could secretly be stopping you from snoozing soundly. But how can we clean our mattress in the best way possible? Well, that’s where we come in. We’ve put together a simple guide to cleaning your mattress, below. Let’s get started!

What do I need to clean my mattress?

 Before we get into how to clean a mattress, let’s first get together everything we’ll need to do it properly.

While cleaning a mattress may seem a mammoth task given how big they are, you’ll likely have everything you need already:

·         Washing machine

·         Vacuum (including small head attachment, if possible)

·         Water

·         Bicarbonate of soda

·         Washing up liquid

·         Clean cloth

And that’s all! So, if you’ve got these sorted, then let’s get cracking on cleaning that mattress.

How should I clean my mattress?

1. Strip your bed

The first step to mattress cleaning is to strip your bed of any bedding – your bedsheet, duvet cover, pillows, and pillowcases.

When you’re cleaning your mattress, you’ll need to be able to see it properly, and getting your bedding out the way means you can easily spot any stains we’ll need to take care of later.

Not only does it help you get the best possible clean for your mattress, but it’s also a great opportunity to give your bedding a wash too! So, pop all those covers and cases in the wash, and look forward to a relaxing snooze in crisp, fresh sheets.

2. Let your mattress air out

With your bedding removed, you’ll want to clean your mattress of any lingering odours from pets or humans alike by letting it air out.

Airing out your mattress not only keeps it smelling fresh, but it also fends off mould-causing moisture too. Simply pop open the windows in your bedroom, leave your mattress for a couple hours, and let the fresh air do all the work for you. Simple!

TOP TIP: If you’ve got the space in your bedroom, it’s a good idea to take your mattress off the bed and place it by the open window. Doing this will allow more air to get to the fabric, allowing for a faster and deeper clean.

3. Get the vacuum out

Mattress successfully aired out, we can now look to our bed vacuum cleaner to take care of any crumbs, hair, or dust.

While you can just use any vacuum on your mattress, for the best mattress vacuum, we suggest you use a small power brush attachment. Using a smaller head on your mattress vacuum cleaner makes cleaning the likes of stairs, upholstery, and bedding easier to navigate.

To clean your mattress properly, simply run the mattress vacuum gently over the fabric, going in slow strokes up and down. Do this at least twice to make sure you’re removing dirt that might have sunk deep into the mattress fibres – and you’re done!

TOP TIP: For an even easier way to clean your mattress, you can use a handheld vacuum. Compact and easy to use, a handheld vacuum makes light work of the more fiddly vacuuming jobs like cleaning blinds, a sofa, or even a mattress.

4. Take care of any stains

Last but not least, let’s see how we can remove stains from your mattress, so it looks just as clean as it feels.

The best way to clean your mattress of stains is to use a stain remover. Now, you can find these in the supermarket, but they’re straightforward to make yourself too. Simply mix three tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda into a cup of warm water, then add a few drops of washing up liquid - and that’s all.

With your mattress cleaning solution all mixed up, take a clean cloth, and dip it into the mixture. Next, gently dab the stain until you start to see it lift a little. When the stain has started to lift, you can go ahead and let the area dry out. Once done, you’ll be left with a sparkly mattress, as good as new!

Now you’ve cleaned your mattress, you might be on the look out for other top cleaning tips. So, whether you’re in need of some advice for cleaning your car or you want to wash your curtains with ease, head over to our blog.
